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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
321.GOI.1/6 (E) S.D Goiten A Mediterranean Society, The Jewish Communities of the World as portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza - Volume VI: Cumulatives Indices
321.GOL.1 Matt Goldish Jewish Questions
321.GOM.1(E/S) Pancracio Celdran Gomariz & Agustin Martinez Red de juderias de Espana. Spanish Jewish Network Routes of Sefarad
321.GON.1 Isidro Gonzalez El retorno de los judios
321.GOR.1 Gorsky, Jeffrey Exiles in Sepharad. The Jewish Millennium in Spain
321.GOZ.1(J) Salom da 60 Yil. 1947-2007
321.GRA.1 Baltasar Gracian Oraculo manual y arte de prudencia
321.GRA.1(E) David L.Graizborg Souls in dispute : Converso Identities in Iberia and the Jewish Diaspora (1580-1700)
321.GRE.1 Juifs de Grèce (cartes postales)
321.GUE.1 A. Guéron Journal du siècle d'Andrinople, 30 octobre 1912 - 26 mars 1913, ?Cahiers du Bosphore?
321.GUI.1(S) Guia del Toledo Judio
321.HAK.1 (E) Erol Haker Once upon a time, Jews lived in Kirklareli, The story of the Adato Family, 1800-1934
321.HAK.2 (E) Erol Haker EDIRNE Its Jewish Community, and Alliance schools 1867-1937
321.HAL.1 Halevi-Wise, Yael Sepharadism. Spanish Jewish History and the Modern Literary Imagination
321.HAS.1 (S) Iacob M.Hassan & Ricardo Izquierdo Benito Judios en la literatura española
321.HAS.2 Jabob M. Hassan (éd.) Estudios sefardies
321.HER.1 Lilli Herschhorn Zuflucht Saloniki: Die Sepharden im osmanischen Exil. Eine Auswahl (1492-1556) aus Joseph Nehamas ?Histoire des Israélites de Salonique?
321.IFR.1 Lionel Ifrah L'aigle d'Amsterdam, Menasseh ben Israël (1604-1657)
321.INQ.1 Inquisicion y conversos
321.ISR.1 (E) Jonathan Israel & Reinier Salverda Dutch Jewry. Its History and Secular Culture (1500-2000)
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