Cote |
Auteur(s) |
Directeur(s) de publication |
Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue |
321.GOI.1/6 (E) |
S.D Goiten |
A Mediterranean Society, The Jewish Communities of the World as portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza - Volume VI: Cumulatives Indices |
321.GOL.1 |
Matt Goldish |
Jewish Questions |
321.GOM.1(E/S) |
Pancracio Celdran Gomariz & Agustin Martinez |
Red de juderias de Espana. Spanish Jewish Network Routes of Sefarad |
321.GON.1 |
Isidro Gonzalez |
El retorno de los judios |
321.GOR.1 |
Gorsky, Jeffrey |
Exiles in Sepharad. The Jewish Millennium in Spain |
321.GOZ.1(J) |
Salom da 60 Yil. 1947-2007 |
321.GRA.1 |
Baltasar Gracian |
Oraculo manual y arte de prudencia |
321.GRA.1(E) |
David L.Graizborg |
Souls in dispute : Converso Identities in Iberia and the Jewish Diaspora (1580-1700) |
321.GRE.1 |
Juifs de Grèce (cartes postales) |
321.GUE.1 |
A. Guéron |
Journal du siècle d'Andrinople, 30 octobre 1912 - 26 mars 1913, ?Cahiers du Bosphore? |
321.GUI.1(S) |
Guia del Toledo Judio |
321.HAK.1 (E) |
Erol Haker |
Once upon a time, Jews lived in Kirklareli, The story of the Adato Family, 1800-1934 |
321.HAK.2 (E) |
Erol Haker |
EDIRNE Its Jewish Community, and Alliance schools 1867-1937 |
321.HAL.1 |
Halevi-Wise, Yael |
Sepharadism. Spanish Jewish History and the Modern Literary Imagination |
321.HAS.1 (S) |
Iacob M.Hassan & Ricardo Izquierdo Benito |
Judios en la literatura española |
321.HAS.2 |
Jabob M. Hassan (éd.) |
Estudios sefardies |
321.HER.1 |
Lilli Herschhorn |
Zuflucht Saloniki: Die Sepharden im osmanischen Exil. Eine Auswahl (1492-1556) aus Joseph Nehamas ?Histoire des Israélites de Salonique? |
321.IFR.1 |
Lionel Ifrah |
L'aigle d'Amsterdam, Menasseh ben Israël (1604-1657) |
321.INQ.1 |
Inquisicion y conversos |
321.ISR.1 (E) |
Jonathan Israel & Reinier Salverda |
Dutch Jewry. Its History and Secular Culture (1500-2000) |