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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
321.GAL.1-7 Avram Galante Histoire des Juifs de Turquie
321.GAL.1-8 Avram Galante Histoire des Juifs de Turquie
321.GAL.1-9 Avram Galante Histoire des Juifs de Turquie
321.GAL.2 Avram Galante Histoire des Juifs d'Izmir
321.GAL.3 Abraham Galante Quatrième recueil de documents concernant les Juifs de la Turquie - Proverbes judéo-espagnols
321.GAR.1 Jacobo Israel Garzon, Uriel Macias Kapon La comunidad judia de Madrid. Textos e imagenes para una historia 1917-2001
321.GAR.1.doub Mercedes Garcia-Arenal Inquisicion y moriscos. Los procesos del tribunal de Cuenca
321.GAR.2 Luis A. Garcia Moreno Los judios de la Espana antigua
321.GIN.1 (ES) Ginzei am Olam, The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People / Hispania Judaica, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Sources for the History of the Jews in Spain ~ 1, The Jews in Barcelona 1213-1291, Regesta of documents from the Archivo Capitular
321.GIN.1(E) Alisa Meyuhas Ginio Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Mediterranean world after 1492
321.GIR.1 Elka Klein Girona Judaica 1. Documents hebraics de la Catalunya medieval. Hebrew Deeds of Catalan Jews. 1117-1316
321.GIR.2 Joan Ferrer i Assumpta Martinez Girona Judaica 2. Les nits jueves. Llegendes de la tradicio d'Israel
321.GIR.3 Jaume Riera i Sans Girona Judaica 3. Els poders publics i les sinagogues segles XIII-XV
321.GIR.4 Josep Ribera Florit i Esther Jimenez Girona Judaica 4. Poemes de Meixul.Iam de Piera. Girona s. XIII
321.GOE.1 Roland Goetschel 1492. L'Expulsion des Juifs d'Espagne
321.GOI.1/1 (E) S.D Goiten A Mediterranean Society, The Jewish Communities of the World as portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza - Volume I: Economic Foundations
321.GOI.1/2 (E) S.D Goiten A Mediterranean Society, The Jewish Communities of the World as portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza - Volume II: The Community
321.GOI.1/3 (E) S.D Goiten A Mediterranean Society, The Jewish Communities of the World as portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza - Volume III: The Family
321.GOI.1/4 (E) S.D Goiten A Mediterranean Society, The Jewish Communities of the World as portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza - Volume IV: Daily Life
321.GOI.1/5 (E) S.D Goiten A Mediterranean Society, The Jewish Communities of the World as portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza - Volume V: The Individual
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