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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.SMI.1 Jonathan Z. Smith Imagining Religion. From Babylon to Jonestown
920.SMI.2 Goodman Smith Hassan Haddad and Donald Wagner All in the name of the Bible
920.SMI.3 Smith, Robert Michael Journal of Jewish Studies
920.SMI.4 Smith David Charles Jewish Social Studies, vol. 36
920.SMI.5 Smith, Lacey Baldwin Fools, Martyrs, Traitors. The Stroy of Martyrdom in the Western World
920.SOK.1 Moshe Sokolow Studies in Jewish Education
920.SOL.1 SOLER, Jean Annales
920.SPE.1 Spear Sheldon Jewish Social Studies, vol. 30
920.SPI.1* SPITZER, Shlomo Mizrah ouMaarav
920.SPI.2 Spicehandler, Ezra The Holy Land in History and Thought
920.SPI.3 Spirazak Ehud The Jerusalem Quarterly
920.STA.1 STANISLAWSKI, Michael Vision confront reality
920.STA.2 Stanley John Jewish Social Studies, vol. 44
920.STA.3 Starr Joshua Jewish Social Studies, vol. 3
920.STA.90 diverses statistique Israël
920.STA.91 diverses statistique Israël
920.STE. 5 Stern-Taeubler Selma Jewish Social Studies, vol. 11
920.STE.1 tein, Sarah Abrevaya Making Jews Modern: Yiddish and Ladino Press in the Russian and Ottoman Empires
920.STE.10 STERN, Selma The Court Jew
920.STE.2 Stein, Sarah Abrevaya Slavic Review, American Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies
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