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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.SEE.1 Horst SEEBASS Albert de Pury Le Pentateuque en question
920.SEE.2 Seeliger Herbert Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook III
920.SEL.1 Selzer, Michael Zionism Reconsidered: The Rejection of Jewish Normalcy
920.SEM.1 SEMI, Emanuela Trevisian Oriente Moderno
920.SEM.2 SEMI, Emanuela Trevisian Annali di Ca'foscari
920.SEM.3 SEMI, Emanuela Trevisian A sud dell'occidente
920.SEM.4 SEMI, Emanuela Trevisian Studi Etno-Antropologici e Sociologici
920.SHA.1 SHAVIT, Yaakov Zionism
920.SHA.11* SHAIKOWSKI, Z. Tsion
920.SHA.13 Sharot Stephen Jewish Social Studies, vol. 41
920.SHA.20 SHA'ALTIEL, Shlomo Ha'apala
920.SHA.21 Shapiro Leon, Starr Joshua Jewish Social Studies, vol. 8
920.SHA.4 Shapira, Anita Studies in Zionism
920.SHA.5 SHA'ALTIEL Eli The Jerusalem Quaterly
920.SHA.6 SHAVIT Yaakov Studies in Zionism
920.SHA.7 Shashar, Michael The Jerusalem Quarterly, n°32
920.SHE.1 Shepakaru, Shmel Science & Religion
920.SHE.2 Moshe Sheron The Holy Land in History and Thought
920.SHO.1 Pages pour l'étude de la Shoah
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