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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.SCH.51 SCHÄFER, Peter Geschichte - tradition - Reflexion
920.SCH.60 SCHWARZFUCHS, S. Shalem
920.SCH.70 SCHAPKOW, Carsten Jüdische Intellektuelle und die Philologien in Deutschland, 1871-1933
920.SCH.71 SCHAPKOW, Carsten Revue germanique internationale
920.SCH.72 SCHAPKOW, Carsten Schriften der Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft
920.SCH.73 Schorsch, Ismar On the History of the Political Judgement of the Jew
920.SCH.74 Schorsch, Ismar Midstream, vol. 27
920.SCH.8 Schwartz Kessel Jewish Social Studies, vol. 40
920.SCH.81 Schweid, Eliezer
920.SCH.82 Schorsch Ismar
920.SCH.83 Schwartz, Matthew B. Judaism, A Quarterly Journal vol.32
920.SCH.84 Schindler, Pesach Hassidic Response to the Holocaust in the Light of Hassidic Thought
920.SCH.85 Schmidt, H. D. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook I
920.SCH.88 Schacter, Hershel / Blidstein, Yaakov Religious Zionism After 40 years of Statehood
920.SCH.9 Schers David & Singer Hadassa Jewish Social Studies, vol. 39
920.SCH.91 Schweid, Eliezer Studies in Zionism, vol.5
920.SCH.92 Schweid, Eliezer The Jerusalem Quarterly, vol. 45
920.SCH.93 Eliezer SCHWEID Israel Studies
920.SCO.1 Scott-Green, William Neusner, Jacob / Frerichs, Ernest S. To see ourselves as other see us, Christian, Jews, Others in Late Antiquity
920.SCU.1 Scult Mel Jewish Social Studies, vol. 35
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