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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.OFE.1 OFER, Dalia Modern Judaism
920.OFE.2 OFER, Dalia Escaping the Holocaust
920.OPH.1 Ophir, Adi Tikkun, vol. 2
920.OST.1 Alicia Ostriker Jeffrey Rubin-Dorsky and Shelley Fisher Fishkin People of the Book. Thirty scholars reflect on their Jewish Identity
920.OTT.1 Ottenheimer Hilde Jewish Social Studies, vol. 3
920.OZE.1 Ozer, Charles L. Historia Judaica, vol. 9
920.PAL.1* PALMOR, Sarah
920.PAP.1 Papazian, Pierre Midstream, vol.30
920.PAR.1 Parfitt Tudor The Holy Land in History and Thought
920.PAT.1 Patraka, Vivian M. Spectacular Suffering, Theatre, Fascism and the Holocaust
920.PAT.2 Patai, Raphael On Jewish Folklore
920.PAU.1 André PAUL Recherches de science religieuse
920.PEA.1 Peal David Jewish Social Studies, vol. 48
920.PED.1 Pedatella R. Anthony Jewish Social Studies, vol. 47
920.PEL.1 Pelli Moshe Jewish Social Studies, vol. 32
920.PER.1 PERETZ, Maaravi Tarbits
920.PER.2 Perlmann Moshe Jewish Social Studies, vol. 14
920.PER.3 Perriaux, Sophie & Steuer, Daniel Theodor Herzl and the Origins of Zionism
920.PET.1 Peters, F. E. Jerusalem and Mecca - The Typology of the Holy City in the Near Est
920.PHI.1 Philippson, Johanna Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook VII
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