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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.MIS.1 Misrahi, Robert LesTemps Modernes
920.MOL.1* MOLHO, Yits'hak S'funot
920.MOR.1 MORGENTHAU, Henry All in a life-time
920.MOR.10 MORELL, Samuel Modern Judaism
920.MOR.20* MORGENSTERN, Arié Shalem
920.MOR.4 MORRIS Benny Tikkun
920.MOR.4.1 MORRIS Benny Israel Studies
920.MOS.1 MOSELEY, Marcus Jewish Autobiography in Eastern Europe: the prehistory of a litterary genre Thesis
920.MOS.2 Moskowitz Moshe Jewish Social Studies, vol. 26
920.MOS.3 Moses, Rafael (éd.)
920.MOS.4 Dr. S. Moses Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook II
920.MRE.1 Simone Mrejen-O'Hana Annales de démographie historique
920.MRE.2 Simone Mrejen-O'Hana Religion et judaïté
920.MRE.3 Simone Mrejen-O'Hana Gérard Nahon et Charles Touati Thèse de doctorat
920.MUL.1 Muller, Sharon Jewish Social Studies, vol. 43
920.MYE.1 MYERS, David N. La Sho'ah tra Interpretazione e memoria
920.MYE.2 MYERS, David N. / STOLZENBERG, Nomi Maya University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform
920.MYE.3 MYERS, David N. / HOVANNISIAN, Richard G.
920.MYE.4 Myers, David N. Jewish History vol.13
920.MYE.5 Myers, David N. Re-Inventing the Jewish Past: European Jewish Intellectuals and the Zionist Return to History
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