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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.MAN.10 MANDELSTAM, André Le sort de l'Empire Ottoman
920.MAN.2 MANDEL, Neville Middle Eastern Studies
920.MAN.3 MANDEL, Neville The Arabs and Zionism before World War I
920.MAO.1 MAOR, Yitzhak 8th world congress of jewish studies
920.MAO.10 MA'OZ, Moshe Studies on Palestine
920.MAO.11 MA'OZ, Moshe Studies on Palestine during the ottoman period
920.MAR.1 MARKUS, Shimon Sinai
920.MAR.1.doub Raymond Martini Ideological Refinements
920.MAR.2 Daniel Marguerat Naissance du christianisme
920.MAR.3 Marion, Jean-Luc The Review of Metamorphosics: A philosophical quaterly, vol. 36
920.MAR.3.doub Marcus, Ivan E. Prooftexts, vol. 2
920.MAR.4 Shilo, Margalit The Jerusalem Cathedra
920.MAR.5 Margulies Lazarus The Right of Jewish People to Palestine according to the Bible
920.MAY.1 MAYOREK, Yoram
920.MAY.2 Mayer Gustav Jewish Social Studies, vol. 1
920.MAY.3 May, Harry S. The Vale of Tears (Emek Habacha)
920.MAY.4 Mayorek, Yoram The Rotschilds. Essays on the History of a European Family
920.MED.1 Medina Joao and Barromi Joel Studies in Zionism, vol.12
920.MEI.1* MEIR-GLITZENSTEIN, Esther Pe'amim
920.MEI.2* MEIR-GLITZENSTEIN, Esther entre olim et anciens
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