Cote |
Auteur(s) |
Directeur(s) de publication |
Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue |
920.LES.3 |
Lestchinsky Jacob |
Jewish Social Studies, vol. 3 |
920.LES.4 |
Lestchinsky Jacob |
Jewish Social Studies, vol. 28 |
920.LEV.1 |
LEVIGNE, Catherine |
Relations Internationales |
920.LEV.1.doub |
Jon D. Levenson |
Shaye J.D. Cohen et Edward L. Greenstein (éds) |
The State of Jewish Studies |
920.LEV.10 |
LEVY, Avner |
920.LEV.2 |
LEVIGNE, Catherine |
Les nouveaux cahiers |
920.LEV.2.doub |
Emmanuel Lévinas |
Hors sujet |
920.LEV.3 |
Levy, Raphael-Georges |
Revue des Etudes Juives, vol. 62 |
920.LEW.1 |
LEWIS, Bernard |
Annales |
920.LEW.2 |
Lewkowitz, Albert |
Historia Judaica, vol. 16 |
920.LIB.1 |
Liber, M. |
Revue des Etudes Juives, tome 139 |
920.LIC.1 |
LICHTEIM, Richard |
Bibliothèque sioniste |
920.LIN.1 |
Linenthal, Edward T. |
Preserving Memory, The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum, Introduction, Ending |
920.LIN.2 |
Linafelt, Tod |
Surviving Lamentations, Catastrophe, Lament, and Protest in the Afterlife of a Biblical Book |
920.LIN.3 |
Link, Franz |
Jewish Life and Suffering as Mirrored in English and American Literature |
920.LIP.1 |
Lipstadt, Deborah E. |
Forum, on the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel |
920.LIS.1 |
List Kurt |
Commentary vol.10 |
920.LIS.2 |
LISSAK Moshe |
920.LIT.1 |
LITTMAN, David |
Divers lettres à United Nations Commission on Human Rights |
920.LIT.2 |
LITTMAN, David |
Yod |