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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.LES.3 Lestchinsky Jacob Jewish Social Studies, vol. 3
920.LES.4 Lestchinsky Jacob Jewish Social Studies, vol. 28
920.LEV.1 LEVIGNE, Catherine Relations Internationales
920.LEV.1.doub Jon D. Levenson Shaye J.D. Cohen et Edward L. Greenstein (éds) The State of Jewish Studies
920.LEV.10 LEVY, Avner
920.LEV.2 LEVIGNE, Catherine Les nouveaux cahiers
920.LEV.2.doub Emmanuel Lévinas Hors sujet
920.LEV.3 Levy, Raphael-Georges Revue des Etudes Juives, vol. 62
920.LEW.1 LEWIS, Bernard Annales
920.LEW.2 Lewkowitz, Albert Historia Judaica, vol. 16
920.LIB.1 Liber, M. Revue des Etudes Juives, tome 139
920.LIC.1 LICHTEIM, Richard Bibliothèque sioniste
920.LIN.1 Linenthal, Edward T. Preserving Memory, The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum, Introduction, Ending
920.LIN.2 Linafelt, Tod Surviving Lamentations, Catastrophe, Lament, and Protest in the Afterlife of a Biblical Book
920.LIN.3 Link, Franz Jewish Life and Suffering as Mirrored in English and American Literature
920.LIP.1 Lipstadt, Deborah E. Forum, on the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel
920.LIS.1 List Kurt Commentary vol.10
920.LIS.2 LISSAK Moshe
920.LIT.1 LITTMAN, David Divers lettres à United Nations Commission on Human Rights
920.LIT.2 LITTMAN, David Yod
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