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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.KAR.1 KARK, Ruth The Jerusalem Cathedra
920.KAR.10 KARAGILA, Zvi Revue des études juives
920.KAR.2 KARK, Ruth Asian and African Studies
920.KAR.3 KARK, Ruth Journal of Historical Geography
920.KAR.4 Karbach Oscar Jewish Social Studies, vol. 7
920.KAR.5 Kark Ruth The Land That Became Israel
920.KAR.6 KARK Ruth Studies in Zionism
920.KAR.7 Kark Ruth Jewish Historical Studies, vol.XXIX
920.KAR.90 Dictionnaire Universel des Littératures
920.KAS.4 Kassir, Samir
920.KAT.1 KATZ, Samy Cahiers du Brésil Contemporain
920.KAT.1.doub Katz, Yossi Zion. A quaterly for Research in Jewish History
920.KAT.10 KATZ, Jacob Toward Modernity
920.KAT.11 KATZ, Jacob Pattern of Modernity
920.KAT.12 Katsh Abraham I. Jewish Social Studies, vol. 8
920.KAT.13 Katz, Steven T. Post Holocaust Dialogues - Critical Studies in Modern Jews Thought
920.KAT.2 Katz, Steve, T. Michael, on the History of the Jews in the Diaspora, vol. 13
920.KAT.3 KATZ Jacob The Jerusalem Quaterly
920.KAU.1 KAUFMAN, Edy Middle Easter Studies
920.KAY.1 Kayser, Rudolf Historia Judaica, vol. 20
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