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Cote Auteur(s) Directeur(s) de publication Titre de l'ouvrage / du recueil d'articles / de la revue
920.AMA.2 Amato, Joseph A. Victims and Value, A History and Theory of Suffering
920.AMI.1 Amishai-Maisels, Ziva Holocaust & Genocide Studies, vol. 3
920.AMS.1 Samuel AMSLER Albert de Pury Le Pentateuque en question
920.ANT.90 Antisemitism World Report 1997
920.ANT.91 Universalis
920.AOU.1 AOUATE, Yves C. Sexe et Race
920.AOU.2 AOUATE, Yves C. Parcours
920.ARD.2 Aronsfeld C. C. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook VII
920.ARE.1 Arendt Hannah Jewish Social Studies, vol. 8
920.ARI.1 ARIKAN, Zeki Tarih Incelemeleri Dergisi
920.ARI.2 Ariel Yaakov On Behalf of Israel - American Fundamentalist Attitudes Toward Jews, Judaism, and Zionism, 1865-1945
920.ARK.1 Arkin, Marcus Historia Judaica, vol. 22
920.ARO.1 Aronsfeld C. C. Jewish Social Studies, vol. 35
920.ART.1 ARTSON, Bradley Shavit Tikkun
920.ASH.1 ASHTOR, Eliyahu The Jews and the Mediterranean Economy; 10th-15th centuries
920.ASI.1 Encyclopaedia Judaica
920.ASS.1 ASSIS, Yom Tov Revue des etudes Juives
920.ASS.2* ASSIS, Yom Tov S'funot
920.ATL.1 Atlas, Samuel Historia Judaica, vol. 13
920.ATT.1 ATTIAS, Jean-Christophe Annuaire EPHE
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